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(1) 2019-07至今,南京工业大学,kb体育平台官网,先后任副研究员、教授

(2) 2017-032018-08,瑞士洛桑联邦理工,化学科学与工程系,博士后,导师:Kumar V Agrawal

(3) 2015-072019-07,南京工业大学,kb体育平台官网,讲师

(4) 2010-092015-06,天津大学,kb体育平台官网,博士,导师:姜忠义

(5) 2006-092010-06,天津大学,kb体育平台官网,学士


1. 高分子超薄膜、二维材料膜设计制备;

2. 碳捕集膜;

3. 渗透汽化膜;

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目子课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、企业委托项目等科研项目8项,相关研究成果在Science AdvancesAdvanced Functional MaterialsAIChE   JournalSCI期刊发表论文50余篇,申请发明专利10项,参编《Two-Dimensional-Materials-Based   Membranes》及《膜技术手册(第二版)》等专著,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程、南京工业大学青年创新学者,获北京膜学会杰出青年成果奖,担任《华东理工大学学报》青年编委。


1. Y. Chen, M.   He, J. Zhang, Y. Su, Z. Xue, C. He, Y. Ji, K. Guan, J. Zhao*, H. Matsuyama, W. Jin, Design of ultrathin cross-linked   poly(ethylene oxide) selective layer for high-performance CO2   capture, Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 478, 147530.

2. S. Dong, Y. Chen, H. Wang, Y. Ji, J. Zhao*, W. Jin*. Synergistically tailoring the hierarchical   channel structure of graphene oxide membrane through co-assembly strategy for   high-performance butanol dehydration, Journal of Membrane Science 2023, 678,   121693.

3. S. Dong, B. Wang, D. Liu, M. He, M. Chen, J. Zhao*, W. Jin, Tailoring the   interlayer channel structure of graphene oxide membrane with conjugated   cationic dyes for butanol dehydration, Separation and Purification   Technology, 2023, 325: 124728.

4. F. Liang, D. Liu, S. Dong, J. Zhao*, X. Cao, W. Jin*. Facile construction of polyzwitterion   membrane via assembly of graphene oxide-based core-brush nanosheet for   high-efficiency water permeation, Journal of Membrane Science 2022, 644,   120150.

5. F. Liang, J. Zheng, M. He, Y. Mao, G. Liu, J. Zhao*, W. Jin*, Exclusive and fast   water channels in zwitterionic graphene oxide membrane for efficient   water/ethanol separation, AIChE Journal 2021, 67(7), e17215.

6. J. Zhao, W.   Jin, Two-Dimensional-Materials-Based Membranes. Preparation,   Characterization, and Applications: Chapter 6. Graphene-based membranes for   pervaporation, Wiley, 2021.

7. H. Wang, J. Zheng, J. Zhao*, W. Jin*. Designing GO channels with high selectivity   for CO2/N2 separation via incorporating metal ions.   Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2021, 16, 3141.

8. F. Liang, H. Wang, G. Liu, J. Zhao*, W. Jin. Designing highly selective and stable water   transport channel through graphene oxide membranes functionalized with   polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane for ethanol dehydration. Journal of Membrane   Science 2021, 638, 119675.

9. Y. Song#, M. He#, J. Zhao*, W. Jin. Structural   manipulation of ZIF-8-based membranes for high-efficiency molecular   separation. Separation & Purification Technology 2021, 270, 118722.

10. F. Liang, Q. Liu, J. Zhao*, K. Guan, Y. Mao, G. Liu, X. Gu, W. Jin*, Ultrafast   water-selective permeation through graphene oxide membrane with water   transport promoters, AIChE Journal 2020, 66(2),e16812.

11. J. Zhao#,   G. He#, S. Huang, L. F. Villalobos, M. Dakhchoune, H. Bassas, K.   V. Agrawal*, Etching gas-sieving nanopores in single-layer graphene with an   angstrom precision for high-performance gas-mixture separation, Science   Advances 2019, 5, eaav1851.

12. Y. Ji, M. Zhang, K. Guan, J. Zhao*, G. Liu, W. Jin*, High performance CO2 capture   through polymer-based ultrathin membranes, Advanced Functional Materials   2019, 1900735.

13. Y. Ji, G. Chen, G. Liu, J. Zhao*, G. Liu, X. Gu, W. Jin*, Ultrathin membranes with a   polymer/nanofiber interpenetrated structure for high-efficiency liquid separations,   ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11(40), 36717-36726.

14. J. Zhao#,   G. He#, G. Liu, F. Pan, H. Wu, W. Jin*, Z. Jiang*, Manipulation of   interactions at membrane interfaces for energy and environmental   applications, Progress in Polymer Science 2018, 80, 125-152.

15. D. Zhao#, J. Zhao#, Y. Ji, G. Liu, S. Liu, W. Jin*, Facilitated   water-selective permeation via PEGylation of graphene oxide membrane, Journal   of Membrane Science 2018, 567, 311-320.

阅读次数:     发布时间:2021-09-08

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