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Meiling Liu   


AddressCollege of Chemical Engineering


Education and Work Experience

2013.09-2017.06, Bachelor, Yancheng Teachers University, China

2017.09-2021.12, Postgraduate & Ph.D., Nanjing Tech University, China. Supervisor: Prof. Shi-Peng Sun, Prof. Weihong Xing

2021.07-2022, Exchange student, Hanyang University,Republic of Korea. Supervisor: Prof. Young-Moo Lee

2022.04-present, Lecturer, College of Chemical Engineering,

Nanjing Tech University, China

Research Interests

Design nanochannel membranes, based on multi-dimensional nanomaterials, for sustainable water treatment and molecular separation.

Academic achievements

1.National Scholarship for Doctoral Students, Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China, 2022

2.The Science and Technology Award of Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China-First Prize of Basic Research Achievements (4/6), 2021

3.China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship, (only 3 recipients among 900 students in my College of Chem. Eng.), 2020

4.Shi Jun scholarship (Top 1%), 2020

5.Jiusi scholarship (First class), 2019,2020

6.Shengao scholarship, 2016

7.National Scholarship for Undergraduate Students, Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China, 2016

The 2nd prize in the National Chemical Design Competition (The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, CIESC), 2016

Selected Publications

[1] M.L. Liu, L. Hong, Y. Zhu, R. Epsztein, T. Shi, Y. Sun, Z. Xu, S.P. Sun*, W. Xing*, Constructing biocatalytic nanochannel membranes for unidirectional isomer conversion and separation. AIChE J. (2023) e18187.

[2] M.L. Liu, Y.X. Sun, Y. Tang, Z.J. Fu, Q. Wang, Z.Y. Wang, S.P. Sun*, Graphene oxide hollow fiber membranes for solvent dehydration by nanofiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 683 (2023)121848.

[3] M.L. Liu, C.X. Zhang, M.J. Tang, S.P. Sun*, W, Xing*, Y.M. Lee*, Evolution of Functional Nanochannel Membranes. Prog Mater Sci. 139 (2023) 101162.

[4] Q. C, L. Hong, S.K.Jiang, C.X. Zhang, W.X. Li, S.P. Sun*, M.L. Liu*, Birds Nest -Inspired Fabrication of ZIF-8 Interlayer for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes. J. Membr. Sci. (under review).

[5] M.J. Tang#, M.L. Liu#, L. Li, G.J. Su, X.Y. Yan, C. Ye, S.P. Sun*, W, Xing, Solvation-amination-synergy that neutralizes interfacially polymerized membranes for ultrahigh selective nanofiltration. AIChE J. 68 (2022) e17602.

[6] 洪兰,蒋尚昆,刘美玲,朱玥明,石婷,汪勇,孙世鹏*,酶膜反应器与手性分离膜在功能性糖生产中的应用展望。膜科学与技术, 42 (2022) 146-153.

[7] Z.J.Fu, S.K.Jiang, X.Y. Chao, C.X. Zhang, Q. Shi*, Z.Y. Wang, M.L. Liu, S.P. Sun*, Removing miscellaneous heavy metals by all-in-one ion exchange-nanofiltration membrane. Water Res. 222 (2022) 1118888.

[8] C.Hu, J.H. Park, H.M. Kim, H.H. Wang, Joon Yong Bae, M.L. Liu, N.Y. Kang, K. Yoon, C. Park, N. Chen, Y.M. Lee, Robust and durable poly(aryl-co-aryl piperidinium) reinforced membranes for alkaline membrane fuel cells. J. Mater. Chem. A. 10 (2022) 6587-6595.

[9] M.L. Liu#, L. Li#, M.J. Tang, L. Hong, S.P. Sun*, W. Xing*, Multi-component Separation of Small Molecular/Ionic pollutants with Smart pH-gating Membranes. Chem. Eng. Sci. 245 (2021) 116854.

[10] M.L. Liu, L. Li, Y.X. Sun, Z.J. Fu, X.L. Cao, S.P. Sun*, Scalable Conductive Polymer Membranes for Ultrafast Organic Pollutants Removal. J. Membr. Sci. 617 (2021) 118644.

[11] M.J. Tang, M.L. Liu*, D.A. Wang, D.D. Shao, H.J. Wang, Z.L. Cui, X.L. Cao, S.P. Sun*, Precisely Patterned Nanostrand Surface of Cucurbituril[n]Based Nanofiltration Membranes for Effective AlcoholWater Condensation. Nano Lett. 20 (2020) 2717-2723. (Serve as 1st authorsmentor)

[12] M.L. Liu, J.L. Guo, S. Japip, T.Z. Jia, D.D. Shao, S. Zhang, W.J. Li, J.Wang, X.L.Cao, S.P. Sun*, One-step Enhancement of Solvent Transport, Stability and Photocatalytic Properties of Graphene oxide/polyimide Membranes with Multifunctional Cross-linker. J. Mater. Chem. A. 7 (2019) 3170-3178. (ESI Highly cited paper, 2019 JMCA Top-Cited Articles Collection)

[13] M.L. Liu, J. Wang, J.L. Guo, T.D. Lu, X.L. Cao*, S.P. Sun*, Graphene Oxide/Cross-linked Polyimide (GO/CLPI) Composite Membranes for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 146 (2019) 182-189.

[14] Z.J. Fu, Z.Y. Wang, M.L. Liu, J. Cai, P.A. Yuan, Q. Wang, W. Xing, S.P. Sun*, Dual-layer membrane with hierarchical hydrophobicity and transport channels for non-polar organic solvent nanofiltration. AIChE J. 67 (2021) e17138.

[15] X.L. Cao, F.Y. Zhou, J. Cai, Y. Zhao, M.L. Liu, L. Xu, S.P. Sun*, High-permeability and anti-fouling nanofiltration membranes decorated by asymmetric organic phosphate. J. Membr. Sci. 617 (2021) 118667.

[16] X.L. Cao, J.L. Guo, J. Cai, M.L. Liu, S. Japip, W.H. Xing*, S.P. Sun*, The encouraging improvement of polyamide nanofiltration membrane by cucurbituril-based hostguest chemistry. AIChE J. 66 (2020) e16879.

[17] Q.C. Xia, M.L. Liu, X.L. Cao, Y. Wang, W. Xing, S.P. Sun*, Structure design and applications of dual-layer polymeric membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 562 (2018) 85-111.

[18] W.X. Li, M.L. Liu, L. Liu, C. Cheng, H.K. Zhao, Solubility determination and modelling for 4-nitrobenzaldehyde in N, N-dimethylformamide+ (ethanol, n-propanol or n-butanol) mixed solvents, J. Mol. Liq, 233 (2017) 106114. (The first author is my supervisor.)

[19] W.X. Li, M.L. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Cong, H.K. Zhao, 4-(Methylsulfonyl)benzaldehyde Solubility in Binary Solvent Mixtures of Acetonitrile + (Methanol, Ethanol and Isopropanol): Determination and Modelling, J. Solution. Chem, 46 (2017) 11311151. (The first author is my supervisor.)

[20] W.X. Li, M.L. Liu, L. Liu, H.K. Zhao, Thermodynamic functions for solubility of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in eleven pure organic solvents at temperatures from 273.15 K to 318.15 K and mixing properties of solutions, J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 112 (2017) 196203. (The first author is my supervisor.)

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