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Xin Feng   


AddressCollege of Chemical Engineering


Education and Work Experience

1994-2000, PhD, Nanjing University of Chemical Technology;

1991-1992, Visiting scholar, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany;

1986-1989, Master, Nanjing College of Chemical Technology;

1983-1986, Engineer, Tianjin Research Institute of Chemical Industry;

1979-1983, Bachelor, Nanjing College of Chemical Technology.

Research Interests

Chemical thermodynamics and materials

Anti-wear polymer composite material

Long life high temperatures and pressures compressor oil-free self-lubricating seal element

Academic achievements

Prof. Feng was awarded the "Moving Jiangsu Education Person - Most Beautiful College Teacher in 2018", the Outstanding College Communist Party Member of Jiangsu Province (2006, 2021), the commemorative medals to mark 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China (2019), Nanjing Tech "Model of Morality" (2021), Nanjing Tech " Top Ten Virtue Teachers " (2013), and Nanjing Tech first batch of young teachers (2006).


Project leader or main participate in 973, NSFC and many other projects. Prof. Feng solved the short life problem of the sealing element of the compressor under high temperatures and pressures, and won the Second Prize of National Technological Invention Award in 2009.


The Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics course hosted by Prof. Feng won the first batch of national undergraduate first-class course (2020), national fine-designed courses (2009), Jiangsu province undergraduate education provincial course ideological and political construction demonstration course (2021).


The textbook Chemical Engineering Thermodynamicsedited by Prof. Feng won the first prize of "Excellent Publication Award for China's Petroleum and Chemical Industry" (2020), "Excellent Teaching Material for Higher Education Institutions in Jiangsu Province" (2011), "Excellent Teaching Material for Undergraduates in Jiangsu Province (2020)", and has been used by more than 50 universities in China. In addition, Prof. Feng won the second prize of national teaching achievement (higher education) (2014).

Selected Publications

[1] Feng Xin, Diao Xiaosong, Shi Yijun, Wang Huaiyuan, Sun Shenghua, Lu Xiaohua. A study on the friction and wear behavior of polytetrafluoroethylene filled with potassium titanate whiskers. Wear, 2006, 261(11-12): 1208-12.

[2] Feng Xin, Wang Huaiyuan, Shi Yijun, Chen Donghui, Lu Xiaohua. The effects of the size and content of potassium titanate whiskers on the properties of PTW/PTFE composites. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2007, 448(1-2): 253-8.

[3] Wu Jian, Mu Liwen, Zhu Jiahua, Feng Xin, Lu Xiaohua, Larsson Roland, Shi Yijun. Synthesis of hollow fullerene-like molybdenum disulfide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with excellent lubricating properties. Carbon, 2018, 134, 423-430.

ClickTimes:     Release Date:Jan.18,2024

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