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Jing Zhao  


AddressCollege of Chemical Engineering


Education and Work Experience

2019.07present  Nanjing Tech University, Associate Professor

2017.032018.08 École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, Postdoctoral Research Associate

2015.072019.07 Nanjing Tech University, Assistant Professor

2010.092015.06 Tianjin University, PhD in Chemical Technology

2006.092010.06 Tianjin University, B.S. in Chemical Engineering

Research Interests

Ultrathin membranes (two-dimensional-material membranes and polymeric composite membranes) and their applications in molecular-scale separations such as carbon capture and pervaporation

Academic achievements

1. Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST

2. Outstanding Youth Achievement Award of Beijing Membrane Society

3. Young Innovation Scholars of Nanjing Tech University

She has published over 50 papers in SCI tracked journals such as Sci. Adv., Adv. Funct. Mater., AIChE J. and J. Membr. Sci..

She leads 9 scientific research projects such as General Program/Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Selected Publications

[1] S. Dong, Y. Chen, H. Wang, Y. Ji, J. Zhao*, W. Jin*. Synergistically tailoring the hierarchical channel structure of graphene oxide membrane through co-assembly strategy for high-performance butanol dehydration, Journal of Membrane Science 2023.

[2] F. Liang, D. Liu, S. Dong, J. Zhao*, X. Cao, W. Jin*. Facile construction of polyzwitterion membrane via assembly of graphene oxide-based core-brush nanosheet for high-efficiency water permeation, Journal of Membrane Science 2022, 644, 120150.

[3] F. Liang, J. Zheng, M. He, Y. Mao, G. Liu, J. Zhao*, W. Jin*, Exclusive and fast water channels in zwitterionic graphene oxide membrane for efficient water/ethanol separation, AIChE Journal 2021, 67(7), e17215.

[4] F. Liang, H. Wang, G. Liu, J. Zhao*, W. Jin. Designing highly selective and stable water transport channel through graphene oxide membranes functionalized with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane for ethanol dehydration, Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 638, 119675.

[5] J. Zhao, W. Jin, Two-Dimensional-Materials-Based Membranes. Preparation, Characterization, and Applications: Chapter 6. Graphene-based membranes for pervaporation, Wiley, 2021.

[6] Y. Song#, M. He#, J. Zhao*, W. Jin. Structural manipulation of ZIF-8-based membranes for high-efficiency molecular separation. Separation & Purification Technology 2021, 270, 118722.

[7] H. Wang, J. Zheng, J. Zhao*, W. Jin*, Designing GO channels with high selectivity for CO2/N2 separation via incorporating metal ions. Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2021, 16, 3141.

[8] F. Liang, Q. Liu, J. Zhao*, K. Guan, Y. Mao, G. Liu, X. Gu, W. Jin*, Ultrafast water-selective permeation through graphene oxide membrane with water transport promoters, AIChE Journal 2020, 66(2), e16812.

[9] J. Zhao#, G. He#, S. Huang, L. F. Villalobos, M. Dakhchoune, H. Bassas, K. V. Agrawal*, Etching gas-sieving nanopores in single-layer graphene with an angstrom precision for high-performance gas-mixture separation, Science Advances 2019, 5, eaav1851.

[10] Y. Ji, M. Zhang, K. Guan, J. Zhao*, G. Liu, W. Jin*, High performance CO2 capture through polymer-based ultrathin membranes, Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 1900735.

[11] Y. Ji, G. Chen, G. Liu, J. Zhao*, G. Liu, X. Gu, W. Jin*, Ultrathin membranes with a polymer/nanofiber interpenetrated structure for high-efficiency liquid separations, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11(40), 36717.

[12] J. Zhao#, G. He#, G. Liu, F. Pan, H. Wu, W. Jin*, Z. Jiang*, Manipulation of interactions at membrane interfaces for energy and environmental applications, Progress in Polymer Science 2018, 80, 125.

[13] D. Zhao#, J. Zhao#, Y. Ji, G. Liu, S. Liu, W. Jin*, Facilitated water-selective permeation via PEGylation of graphene oxide membrane, Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 567, 311.

[14] Q. Li, Q. Liu, J. Zhao*, Y. Hua, J. Sun, J. Duan, W. Jin*, High efficient water/ethanol separation by a mixed matrix membrane incorporating MOF filler with high water adsorption capacity, Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 544, 68.

[15] G. Shen#, J. Zhao#, K. Guan, J. Shen, W. Jin*. Highly efficient recovery of propane by mixed-matrix membrane via embedding functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets into polydimethylsiloxane, AIChE Journal 2017, 63, 3501.

[16] J. Zhao, W. Jin*. Manipulation of confined structure in alcohol-permselective pervaporation membranes, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2017, 25, 1616.

[17] J. Zhao, Y. Zhu, G. He, R. Xing, F. Pan, Z. Jiang*, P. Zhang, X. Cao, B. Wang. Incorporating zwitterionic graphene oxides into sodium alginate membrane for efficient water/alcohol separation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (3), 2097.

[18] J. Zhao, C. Fang, Y. Zhu, G. He, F. Pan, Z. Jiang*, P. Zhang, X. Cao, B. Wang. Manipulating the interfacial interactions of composite membranes via a mussel-inspired approach for enhanced separation selectivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 19980.

[19] J. Zhao, Y. Zhu, F. Pan, G. He, C. Fang, K. Cao, R. Xing, Z. Jiang*. Fabricating graphene oxide-based ultrathin hybrid membrane for pervaporation dehydration via layer-by-layer self-assembly driven by multiple interactions. Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 487, 162.

[20] J. Zhao#, X. Zhao#, Z. Jiang*, Z. Li, X. Fan, J. Zhu, H. Wu, Y. Su, D. Yang, F. Pan, J. Shi. Biomimetic and bioinspired membranes: preparation and application. Progress in Polymer Science 2014, 39, 1668.

[21] J. Zhao, F. Pan, P. Li, C. Zhao, Z. Jiang*, P. Zhang, X. Cao. Fabrication of ultrathin membrane via layer-by-layer self-assembly driven by hydrophobic interaction towards high separation performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 13275.

[22] J. Zhao, F. Wang, F. Pan, M. Zhang, X. Yang, P. Li, Z. Jiang*, P. Zhang, X. Cao, B. Wang. Enhanced pervaporation dehydration performance of ultrathin hybrid membrane by incorporating bioinspired multifunctional modifier and TiCl4 into chitosan. Journal of Membrane Science 2013, 446, 395.

[23] J. Zhao, J. Ma, J. Chen, F. Pan, Z. Jiang*. Experimental and molecular simulation investigations on interfacial characteristics of gelatin/polyacrylonitrile composite pervaporation membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011, 178, 1.

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