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Guining Chen  


AddressCollege of Chemical Engineering


Education and Work Experience

2022.09-To date  Postdoc, Nanjing Tech University

2017.09-2022.06  Ph.D., Nanjing Tech University

2013.09-2017.06  B.S., Nanjing Tech University

Research Interests

MOF based mixed-matrix membranes for gas separation

Polymer based membranes for CO2 separation

Academic achievements

Ultrathin through-channel mixed-matrix membrane in-situ formed by solid solvent methodand its gas separation and mass transport mechanism, National Natural Science Foundation of China (223008155)

Selected Publications

[1] Chen G, Chen C, Guo Y, et al. Solid-solvent processing of ultrathin, highly loaded mixed-matrix membrane for gas separation [J]. Science, 2023, 381(6664): 1350-1356.

[2] Chen G, Liu G, Pan Y, et al. Zeolites and metal-organic frameworks for gas separation: The possibility of translating adsorbents into membranes [J]. Chemical Society Reviews, 2023, 52: 4586-4602.

[3] Chen G, Chen X, Pan Y, et al. M-gallate MOF/6FDA-polyimide mixed-matrix membranes for C2H4/C2H6 separation [J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 620: 118852.

[4] Chen G, Zhu H, Hang Y, et al. Simultaneously enhancing interfacial adhesion and pervaporation separation performance of pdms/ceramic composite membrane via a facile substrate surface grafting approach [J]. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65(11): 16773.

[5] Chen G, Wang T, Zhang G, et al. Membrane materials targeting carbon capture and utilization [J]. Advanced Membranes, 2022, 2: 100025.

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Email: hgxy@njtech.edu.cn   Contact information: 025-83587184

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