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The Party Committee Theory Learning Center Group of the School of Chemical Engineering held a collective (expanded) learning meeting

"On the afternoon of May 23rd, the collective (expanded) study session of the School of Chemical Engineering's Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center was held in Room 306 of the resolute South Building. The session featured a thematic lecture by Zhang Jian, a member of the university's Party Standing Committee and the Minister of the Propaganda Department, on the topic of 'Reflecting on Thoughts, Fulfilling Missions, Personally Practicing, and Nurturing New Individuals.' The session was presided over by Ju Yonggan, the Party Secretary of the School of Chemical Engineering, and attended by members of the School of Chemical Engineering's Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center, Party branch secretaries of teaching staff, and all counselors.

During the session, Minister Zhang Jian delivered a lecture focused on ten key points of understanding regarding General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 100th-anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Communist Youth League of China. He emphasized the sincere expectations for youth and the perpetual preservation of youthful vigor, the original mission of the Communist Youth League, the valuable experiences gained over the League's century-long journey, the new mission in the new era, the hopes placed on the Youth League, and the expectations for Youth League members and officials. Minister Zhang Jian then led the group in studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on ideological work. He also elucidated the key aspects and critical stages of ideological work in current higher education institutions based on practical considerations.

In conclusion, Minister Zhang Jian provided guidance on the creation of demonstration points for the School of Chemical Engineering's Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center. He emphasized the need for rigorous implementation of systems, staying abreast of the evolving situation, and strengthening the practical application of theoretical learning to continually enhance relevance and effectiveness.

Author: Tang WeizhiPhotography: Zhang MingxingReview: Ju Yonggan, Ji Qingchun"

ClickTimes:     Release Date:May.25,2022

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