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        微流体技术由于其特殊的微尺寸效应和易操控性,已广泛用于设计制备多种具有特殊结构和性质的颗粒材料。最近,我院张利雄教授及其博士生郭松在省高校自然科学基金(12KJA530002)、省高校优势学科建设工程和研究生创新基金(No. CXLX12_0456)的支持下,利用自制微流体芯片研究了丙烯酰胺(AM)-聚乙二醇(PEG)水相体系的聚合致分相过程,首次观察到AM-PEG液滴在AM聚合之后形成了核壳结构的现象,以此为基础结合微液滴融合技术,设计制备了多种不同形貌和结构的多核乳液和微结构水凝胶微球。水凝胶微球具有显著的各向异性并且可用于蛋白质缓释。这项研究成果日前发表于化学领域国际顶级权威期刊德国《应用化学》上(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., DOI: 10.1002/anie. 201403256; http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201403256/abstract),并且受到了审稿人的高度评价(The multi-core/shell droplets are easily produced by coalescence of core/shell structure. By changing the polymerization temperature and the flow rate, the morphology of multi-core emulsion and the hydrogel can be easily adjusted. The hydrogels exhibit obvious anisotropy and different release rates of protein depending on their structures. The preparation technique is simple and versatile and the resultant hydrogels have potential application in many fields.)

ClickTimes:     Release Date:Jun.06,2014

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